Friday, October 26, 2012

Fish farm and wheat field in 温泉县 (Hotspring County)

Hello! I'm back to share about Xinjiang!

Big brother brought us to a fish farm in 温泉县 (Hotspring County).
There, they rear 冷水鱼 (cold water fish). I hear such fish are rather tough (when you eat them).
The water is ice-melt from the mountains. 

Feeding the fish. They jump out of the water as we sprinkle the feed! Very very fast, couldn't snap a photo.

Mountains and blue skies in the background

This photo was taken just outside the fish farm. Wild horses grazing in the grassland. On the train ride to Xinjiang, I saw wild camels too!

One of the many many wheat fields.

In Xinjiang, wheat is known as 麦子

Close-up look of the wheat. Not white to harvest yet.

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